
My Profile

Data Scientist since 2019, I assist you in your data projects. From data extraction to dashboards or predictive models deployment, let's build together the product corresponding to your needs. Passionate and curious, I keep up to date with the latest innovations and I am constantly learning about new topics related to my field.


2016 - 2019

Engineering school

IMT Mines Albi

training as an engineer specialized in energy and digital transition


Specialization in digital transition in the energy sector. The program includes training in Data Science, Machine Learning and IoT, as well as a scientific foundation in the field of energy (Thermodynamics, Electrotechnics, Smart Grids, Energy Market, etc.)

Common Core

IMT Mines d'Albi offers a general engineering course. This is reflected in the acquisition of both scientific and transversal skills that prepare us to evolve in a constantly changing world.

2014 - 2016

Preparatory Classes

Lycée Paul Cézanne

a complete scientific training

Intensive training in mathematics, physics, chemistry and computer science to prepare competitive exams for french engineering schools. I learned linear algebra, statistics, and abstract mathematics, which I now use to manipulate data. These years have taught me to adopt the discipline and rigour necessary to achieve my goals.


European Scientific Bachelor's Degree

Lycée de l'Empéri

European Scientific Bachelor's Degree

Passed with High Honours


Data Scientist Freelance

August 2022 - Now


The sustainable raw materials sourcing platform

Analysis and interpretation of Earth Observation data (ESA's Sentinel space mission).

Creating features and visuals from satellite images with Xarray.

Developing an internal library to get and treat the raw images.

Developing a web app with Plotly Dash and deploying it on Heroku.

Data Scientist

January 2020 - May 2022



Analysis and interpretation of energy data on different sectors of industry internationally.

Construction and AWS Deployment of Machine Learning models with Docker.

Project management in DevOps mode.

Development of documented and tested Python libraries.

Development of an aggregation calculation engine based on Pandas.

Creation of an automatic data generation tool.

Creation of a Python service in CLI allowing to test calculations in an automatic way.

Writing unit and functional tests, using CI/CD.

State of art use of Git.

Data Scientist

March-August 2019


Using Data Science to save energy

Study of air conditioning systems in professional buildings.

Analysis and interpretation of energy data.

Building artificial intelligence models.

Leverage energy savings opportunities through intelligent system control.

Trading optimization on Epex Spot energy market (day ahead and intraday).

Structure and document projects at the IT level.

Creation of outreach materials for our clients.




Data Science

My specialty. Comfortable with the manipulation, visualization and interpretation of data, algebraic and statistical theories that drive it. Database management with SQL, Power Query. Big data with MapReduce and Hadoop.

Artificial Intelligence

Selection, construction, tuning and implementation of prediction algorithms: regressions, random forest, neural networks... Model Deployment with Docker.


My favorite language, I have been using it for 7 years now and use it daily to solve Data Science problems. Numpy, Pandas, Scipy, Sklearn, Tensorflow... I develop both professionnal and personal modules (tested and documented) in my everyday life.


My engineering studies have allowed me to acquire solid knowledge in the field of energy and more particularly in the field of renewables and smart grids. Very concerned by the energy issues of our century, the feeling of working for the common good is the driving force behind my motivation.


State-of-the-art mastery of Git and Docker. Implementation of CI/CD (Github Actions, Gitlab CI, Jenkins), writing unit and functional tests, scripts and application deployment in the cloud (AWS, Heroku), bash scripting.


I have the knowledge to create and put online a website like the one you are currently visiting. HTML, CSS, JS, JQuery, Bootstrap. Developping web apps with Plotly Dash.


Project Management

I have had the opportunity to undertake diverse projects, my training and experience have enabled me to become more efficient in their management.


Comfortable with speaking and writing, I communicate and present my results clearly and concisely. I have the ability to explain and the sense of pedagogy. Content creation: posts, photos, videos.

Team Work

I know how to integrate into a team and be a team leader. My professional and personal experiences taught me how to manage material and human resources in order to achieve the objectives set.


Curious, organized, creative, empathetic, honest, conciliatory, smiling.




Native speaker.


Fluent (930 TOEIC).


Fair Level.



About Me

Track and Field

I have practiced track and field for 19 years now. I began as a decathlete, then I specialized in 400m, 400m hurdles and high jump. I participated 8 times in the French championships in these disciplines. My sport has taught me to work hard, be persistent and push myself beyond limits.


I developed a taste for photography with my father who was himself passionate. My camera has become my travel companion and my relatives has become my models. I learned to use Photoshop and Lightroom. Patience, observation and creativity are essential to progress in this activity.


Europe by train in summer 2017, 4L Trophy and South West Asia by motorcycle in 2019, French West Coast by bycycle in summer 2020, during my trips I got to know myself, gained autonomy and developed a taste for adventure.